Sunday, 30 June 2013

BRAZIL vs URUGUAY (2-1). Win but Not Ripe.


Win but Not Ripe.
The pace of the 2013 Confederations Cup in Brazil dipentas yet unstoppable. Samba Brazilian national team, nicknamed the ticket to make sure the final following a 2-1 victory (1-0) over Uruguay at the Estadio Mineirao yesterday.Given the score of the game is to run a tight and tense. Brazil dominated the game with ball possession to 68 percent.But Uruguay, received the first chance to score through a penalty execution Diego Forlan in the 14th minute. Luckily goalkeeper Julio Cesar managed to ward kick former colleague at Inter Milan. Brazil could open the taps new goal in the 41st minute through Fred kick. But Brazil is not able to maintain that advantage.Three second-half minutes Edinson Cavani to score the equalizer. Selecao winning goal for Brazil-another new nickname was created in the 86th minute through a header Paulinho."This team has matured after against Italy and Uruguay. But against Uruguay is not just a game, it's about the rivalry between the two countries. So naturally when players feel a little nervous," said Luiz Felipe Scolari as coach of Brazil.Although he was fulfilling the mission of reaching the final of the 2013 Confederations Cup, Scolari assess the performance of foster children still need to be finalized in order to achieve maximum results in the 2014 World Cup. With an average age of 26.22 years players, necessary adaptations much more with such a stressful game in his last two games."We have a lot to learn to play with a stressful situation. Was to be improved so that when the World Cup 2014 we are in the best condition. Frankly, for now we are still not ready to perform at the World Cup," said Scolari who considered the match yesterday was The most interesting party that he watched since 2002.Brazil and Uruguay are now just waiting for the results of the second semi-final match between Spain versus Italy.The difference is waiting for anyone faced Brazil in the finals and Uruguay awaits opponent for the third place. Stronghold could only lament defeat Uruguay in the match yesterday. Especially about the failure to execute Forlan penalty. Coach Oscar Washington Tabarez Forlan who regretted the decision to change direction a penalty kick."The ball should be directed to the body of Cesar. Forlan but rather to the left corner of the goal," Tabarez regret on the official FIFA website."I do not want to suppose, but all I can say is the failure to score from a penalty kick was whipped spirit capable of Brazil," he said.Tabarez claimed, Diego Lugano and his friends should be able to avoid the defeat of Brazil. Minimal losses in normal time 2 x 45 minutes."We could have forced overtime. Despite losing, I am still proud of our team game. Because, by this I know our team can make it difficult for any team," he explained.

Kumpulan Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) Kategori 1 (K-1) Dimintai Uang Pelicin Rp. 45 Juta sampai Rp. 55 Juta.


Pimpinan Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD).

Kumpulan Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) Kategori 1 (K-1)
Dimintai Uang Pelicin Rp. 45 Juta sampai Rp. 55 Juta.

Bangkalan -- Adanya pihak yang meminta sejumlah uang pelicin untuk 1.354 tenaga harian lepas (THL) kategori 1 (K-1) bukan lagi isapan jempol.  Beberapa THL K-1 Bangkalan mengaku dikumpulkan oleh pimpinan satuan kerja perangkat daerah (SKPD) masing-masing.  Intinya, uang puluhan juta harus dibayarkan sebelum Surat Keputusan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil ( SK CPNS ) turun.
Penarikan uang pelicin untuk memasuki CPNS 2013 itu merebak dalam sepekan terakhir.
Uang Rp. 45 juta hingga Rp. 55 juta per THL tersebut dijadikan alibi persyaratan menjelang pengumuman dari Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi ( Menpan-RB ).
Berdasar informasi yang kami himpun di Madura, tarif untuk pembayaran uang pelicin THL K-1 sudah ditentukan.
Bagi lulusan SMA ditarik Rp. 45 Juta, sedangkan yang berijasah Diploma/Sarjana diminta Rp. 55 juta.
Hal tersebut membuat gaduh kalangan THL K-1.  Apalagi, ada beberapa SKPD yang memberikan deadline pembayaran. 
" Kami semua sedang galau menunggu pengumuman. Ditambah lagi harus mencari uang sebanyak itu.  Padahal, dulu untuk masuk K-1, kami sudah membayar, sekarang masih diminta untuk membayar lagi.  Dari mana kami dapat uang sebanyak itu?, kata seorang THL K-1 di kantor Pengelolaan Pasar Bangkalan berinisial MHH.
MHH yang resmi menjadi THL sejak tahun 2004 tersebut sangat terkejut saat dikumpulkan di kantornya.
Seluruh teman, lanjut dia, kini tidak berdaya saat menghadapi batas waktu yang diberikan itu.
" Di kantor pasar pembayaran terakhir adalah tanggal 1 Juli, tidak tahu kalau di dinas lainnya," ungkapnya.
Hal senada diungkapkan ALM seorang THL lainnya.  Dia tidak membantah bahwa dirinya dan teman-teman dimintai uang sebagai persyaratan agar diangkat menjadi CPNS.  Pemimpinnya di dinas perhubungan, komunikasi dan informasi (DISHUBKOMINFO) meminta dirinya untuk segera membayar agar SK CPNS cepat turun.SKPD lain juga mengalami hal serupa, yaitu diminta untuk membayar Rp. 45 juta sampai Rp. 55 juta.
" Saya tanya teman-teman, ternyata sama juga.  Mereka dimintai uang juga melalui kantor masing-masing," kata mereka.
Setali tiga uang, para THL di lingkungan Badan Pemberdayaan Perlindungan Masyarakat (Bapemas) mengungkapkan juga ditekan untuk membayar uang sebesar itu.
Bahkan NH, seorang THL K-1 di kantor tersebut menyatakan bahwa pemimpinnya mendesak dirinya karena mendapat perintah dari pemimpin yang lebih tinggi (siapa itu?).
" Dan juga kami semua THL K-1 harus menanda tangani surat pernyataan tidak dipungut biaya apapun di atas meterai.  Itu sama saja dengan penipuan di siang bolong, disuruh bayar uang, tetapi disuruh menanda tangani pernyataan bermeterai lagi bahwa tidak dipungut bayar apapun (keterlaluan)." jelasnya.
Saat dikonfirmasi di tempat terpisah, beberapa kepala SKPD tersebut memilih bungkam dan enggan menanggapi masalah itu. Beberapa diantaranya yang namanya enggan dikorankan menyatakan hanya menjalankan perintah.  Mereka sangat kompak menyarankan agar menemui langsung Kepala BKD Abd. Rasjid.
Rasjid saat dikonfirmasi membantah adanya penarikan uang pelicin oleh pemimpin SKPD. (mana mau mengaku).
Secara tegas selama ini dia tidak pernah memerintah siapapun untuk meminta uang kepada THL K-1 maupun THL K-2.
" Tidak ada tarikan.  Jika ada THL yang diminta membayar, suruh menghadap saya," katanya.
(apakah ucapan itu bisa dipertanggung jawabkan?).


Saturday, 29 June 2013

Hundreds Missing Dynamite. Police Se-Jakarta and West Java Razia Massive.

Hundreds Missing Dynamite.

Police Se-Jakarta and West Java Razia Massive.

Jakarta Police officers with Police Headquarters Detachment 88 until the night is still investigating the disappearance of 250 sticks of dynamite explosives types of PT. Multi Nitrotama Chemistry (MNK). Hundreds of sticks of dynamite weighing 50 pounds was lost in the course of explosives warehouse owned by MNK at Kalijati, Subang, West Java, to the village of Rengas Jajar, Cigudeg, Bogor, Jawa BaratKamis early days ago.
In fear panjahat or fall into the hands of terrorists, the police conducted a massive search.
"We get involved conduct an examination of the loss of the explosives. We have examined ten members of the crew and staff of the company that takes the explosives," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Kombespol Rikwanto in Metro Jaya Police Headquarters.
Rikwanto said, four Mitsubishi Colt Diesel trucks departed from the warehouse of explosives in Kalijati, Subang, West Java, on Wednesday, the four trucks carrying explosives other types of ammonium nitrate 30 thousand weighing 2 tons of dynamite and detonators as much electricity as 4 thousand units. The goal is andesite quarry mining company PT. Sarana Persada stone Cigudeg region, Bogor.
A convoy of trucks containing ammonium nitrate-based explosives is stopped at a warehouse in Marunda area, North Jakarta. It is not known what causes the stop reason. Based on the information the crew, when the truck will leave Marunda, cargo still intact and nothing was missing.
After arriving in the area Cigudeg, tarpaulin cover on the truck number plate 8952 TF T was broken. Motorcade then stopped at 04.00. When it is. one of the crew to suspect the two boxes containing 250 sticks of dynamite missing. There is no report of loss to the detonator or trigger an explosion. Dynamite dynamite-they can not be detonated without a detonator.
Finally around 07.30, one of the chief techniques in PT. Sarana Persada rock dynamite report alleged disappearance to the police. After receiving the report, the City Police and West Java Police immediately spreads members to gather information, both at the mine site and place a truck stop in Marunda.
Officers are also combing the trucks box on a number of roads. But not yet in found the dynamite.
"Members also conducting raids on a number of passing motorists on suspicion of goods is still not out far from Jakarta," said Rikwanto.
Head of the West Java Police spokesman Martinus Sitompul said, the entire cargo boxs now being recalculated. Because there is only one count of alleged officer.
But the police do not take risks and still deploy officers to track.
Radar Cirebon reported, the loss of 250 sticks of dynamite on the way to really make Bogor West Java police busy. The entire police were deployed to the vehicle in order to raid the dynamite did not come out of West Java.
The entire four-wheeled vehicles ranging from the personal to the freight crossed the line checked and searched.
Luggage and the identities of the passengers were checked.
In raids that began at 15.00 pm until the news down, officials have yet to find any results.
The plan will continue to do these activities every day at every entrance Cirebon in order to anticipate the entry of explosives and terrorism.
Meanwhile, the National Police Commission (National Police Commission) asked the police to alert regarding the loss of 250 sticks of dynamite in shipping between Subang-Bogor.
The police watchdog also urged the police to immediately investigate the disappearance of 250 sticks of dynamite.
According to Eddy, If dynamite was to fall into the hands of irresponsible parties, Jakarta is not to be safe. Moreover, note that in the journey of the PT. Sarana Persada rock the dynamite was taken around Marunda stop, and it's very dangerous.
While the West Java Police asked to focus checking truck drivers, in addition to the police were asked to keep every corner of the city as well as doing extra protection in the area of residence of the President.


Friday, 28 June 2013



09。 Winay WaynaWayna Winayはウルバンバ川を見下ろす丘、ライン相互インカのサイト間に位置するインカサイトをdipunggung建て、マチュピチューしたい観光客は疲れWinay Waynaでそれらを解放することができます。 Wayna Winay部位は、上部及び下部家は階段構造および階層型ツボによって接続されている収容する2錯体に分割される。家の構成に加えて、領域農業段丘の形態でも見ることができる。
08。 Coricanchaクスコ実名に位置CoricanhaはインティKancha(太陽の神殿)であるインカ帝国のための最も重要な寺院です。以前に寺院の壁や床は純金で裏打ちされていることを述べたが、他のインカの建物との同じことがスペインの征服者によって略奪を受けた。最後の寺院が破壊され、寺院の遺跡の上にサントドミンゴ教会に変更されました。激しい地震は、インカの神殿の上に構築教会はひどく破損したメイクが、インカ帝国によって建てられた石造りの壁がまだ立っている大きな石はインカ石工の良い技術に起因する相互に関連して構築された。
07.Llactapataこのサイトはdiketinggian 2840で、Llactapataはケチュア語の市で ​​"ハイタウン"以上のことを意味し、可能性は、食品の生産と貯蔵のために使用されます。 Llactapataはスペインを攻撃による領域から撤退した後、焦土戦術としてマンコインカユパンキで燃焼。
06。イスラ·デル·ソルイスラ·デル·ソルや "太陽の島"チチカカ湖の南部にある島である、丘陵と岩の島です。インカの伝説によると、この島は、大洪水の水が後退し始め、太陽が空を照らすために島に再現した後、最初に登場した土地です。インカの太陽の息子を記念するには、島に礼拝のいくつかの儀式を構築しました。島には多くの旧インカ遺産の建物の中では神聖ロックンチカーナと呼ばれる迷路に似た建物がある。
05。サクサイワマンサクサイワマンはピューマ、インカ王朝を象徴する動物の形でクスコdiperlambangkan Cusco.Kekaisaranの街の上の要塞の壁に並ぶ建物のインカの複合体である。プーマは、建物の主要な広場の複合体の腹です。しばらくプーマプーマの頭が丘サクサイワマンで記述しながら流れる川Tullamayoの背骨を説明リアセクション。石灰岩の材料と要塞異なるレベルとして建て3平行な壁があります。フォームジグザグ石垣形成はインカによって建設され、壁の頭石からプーマtersebut.Batuギアを描いている紙のいずれかの部分が岩の中に含まれることができないことが非常に一般的です。
04。ピサックピサックはケチュア語から来ているヤマウズラを意味している。 M、embuatでインカの伝統は、最大の動物や鳥の形で哲学を持っている。したがってピサックはヤマウズラ形複合ビルです。インカの遺跡両方の軍事要塞、寺院や住居はSalkantayの谷の間に位置する神聖な谷に直面して構築されています。推定ピサックは、アマゾンの熱帯雨林に隣接最も外側の領域にインカ帝国を結ぶ交易路を制御するだけでなく、神聖な谷を入力するように南に要塞として建てられました。
03。チョケキラオ金のクレードルは海抜3085メートルの高度であることを意味するクスコとアプリマック、チョケキラオ間の国境に位置しています。 180テラスから成る階段構成のインカの遺跡、マチュピチュピチューは全く異なるアーキテクチャで構築された。チョケキラオは、サイズの点ではるかに大きいですが、地域のチョケキラオに足だけで行うか、この場所がより稀マチュピチューより訪問されないように馬に乗ることができます。あなただけ歩くなら、それはCachoraからチョケキラオに到達するために4日かかります!
01。マチュピチューインカマチュピチューの世界で最も美しい歴史的遺産は確かに、サイトはほとんどの観光客は、ペルーを吸って訪れた場所に谷Urumbabaに配置されています。海抜2430メートルの標高に位置インカ文化のアイコンです。 1983年以来ユネスコ世界遺産サイトとしてこのサイトを確立しています。



私 たちは、世界は生き物や奇妙な動物が主に民間伝承(フォークロア)または神話から供給され、その存在のほとんどは古代にこれらの生き物が存在しないか、 memangkahが存在するかもしれないという証拠は見つからなかったされていないストーリーに満ちていることを知っているしかし、それだけで多くの人が世界中で見つかったおとぎ話の生き物導体睡眠のクリーチャーのほとんど。ここでは以下の日本の神話から10生き物は、以下のとおりです。




 一見すると、これは動物のバク(日本語で一致バクではないですが、また生と呼ばれている)このずんぐりしたクリーチャーはトランク象のような鼻を持っており、彼は人間の夢に対して貪欲な食べる人だったように見えます。したがって、日本人が悪夢を持っていた場合、彼らは、 "私はあなたの夢生にそれを与えるよ!"と言うでしょう彼らは再び悪夢を持っているつもりされていないと信じています。生の生き物は、日本の仏教寺院では一般的であり、寺院の建物の屋根の上に位置しています。

これは実際には本当にトレッドとその爪を除く猫少し上げ、TOSを誘う猫のように形作られている、文字通り "猫が呼び出し"と、彼らは幸運と繁栄の象徴であることを意味します。どちらも中国と日本の文化は、彼らは幸運として彼らの家庭や事業所が表示されているこれらの神話を認識しています。 、雷雨と雨として西都心の名前が如く寺の近くの木の下に避難していた当時猫牧師金持ち地主の物語その一つ招き猫の物語の始まりであるとなったいくつかの伝説があります貧しい人は雷が木を襲ったどのくらい、家主は彼が常に貢献し、寺の繁栄好意として、貧しい司祭と友達を生き延び、彼。なく、呼び出しのように彼に思われると猫に従うことを彼に言った猫が死んだとき、多分初めてだ招き猫の像は木で作られ、招き猫の像は、日本に今あることを磁器で作られています。
5。 Namazuの-GAMI /神レレ(ナマズ神) 


この神話のクリーチャーはまた、彼の国のフェニックス日本の一つとして知られ、描かクリーチャー美しい鳥は、調和と静けさの代表である。こ のクリーチャーが地球に平和な未来を降りてくると、彼らは脅威を感じる場合、施設を残すことを述べたので、このクリーチャーが、日本と、一般的に、世界の ための状況の世代のために見られなかったこと、それは、おそらく驚くべきことではない、世界中の平和など、そのようなものは存在しなかった。中国の場合はフェニックスは結婚の幸福と対立の象徴として竜とペアになっています。
8。 Shachihoko 



神話の動物の三本足のカエル、チャン銅という三本足のヒキガエルから不死の秘密を学んだ中国の8神タオ、劉海、の1つに中国の話に似ているペットガマ仙人、。伝えられるところでガマ仙人はよくこの小さな生き物のdisebuahを発見して以来、彼らは良い友達になったと述べた。ガマは、ヒキガエルは、そのアニメーションのすべての生きとし生けるもの "生命の息吹"として記載されている雲を吐き出すことができます言及されている。

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

By keeping the spirit of the players Tahiti unfurled banners reading "OBRIGADO BRAZIL",

By keeping the spirit of the players Tahiti unfurled banners reading "OBRIGADO BRAZIL",  

("Thank you Brazil") after the last game against Uruguay.

Competing lose, wins sympathy.
Tahiti became the butt of the team at the Confederations Cup.
In all of their games have always suffered defeat. Score that is created is always a landslide.
Suffering they only stopped when the group phase ended yesterday. They conceded 24 goals in total, they were only able to score one goal during the tournament.
But the 24-1 defeat, did not make the team nicknamed the Toa Aito lose face. They were still able to win outside of the gridiron, the sympathy of the public host. A number of home fans even brought banners Eddy motivation for foster children during their match Etaeta.
Tahiti is now indeed like another iconic 2013 Confederations Cup, they hailed not for his playing, but because of their uniqueness in both green field and off the field. Began distributing shellfish to players and officials opposed to unique celebrations when scoring the only goal in the tournament.
Some media outlets even consider the Confederations Cup will not be the same without Tahiti. Tahiti favored because it is unique, but also praised for fair play despite still being at a different level.
"We actually do not want to suffer another defeat. Problem is, we can not make the opponent stops attacking our goal," said Etaeta.
He revealed Tahiti remains will come home with their heads held high. They will come home and be greeted by proud citizens Tahiti. They at least have the name of Tahiti in the international arena.
"This tournament showed the difference between a small and a giant in football. However we continue to learn," he said.
"The tournament is over for us. Teams have a lot to learn from what happened here," said Etaeta quoted as saying.

URUGUAY vs TAHITI (8-0). Young Player of the party.

URUGUAY vs TAHITI           (8-0).

Young Player of the party.

Replace Uruguay Starting Eleven.Tahiti Uruguay duel with a series of cover scores landslide during the 2013 Confederations Cup. Tahiti as a granary goal from the beginning has been predicted will not win. Predictions rather to how many goals that can be packaged Uruguay.Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez is not too passionate in the game. He even replace the entire starting line-up. The aim is to give extra rest time for the players mainstay that will meet Brazil in the semifinals.With the reserve players had eight goals have shared in the national team, nicknamed the Toa Aito Tahiti. Uruguay rout began as early as the 79th minute via striker Abel Hernandez. The goal was the fastest goal ever created in the organization of the Confederations Cup.The series keeps going after that goal, Hernandez quat-trick fulfill the menitke-24, 45 and a penalty kick in the 67th minute.Additional goals coming from Diego Perez (27 '), Luis Suarez (82' and 90 '), and Lodeiro (61').Tahiti was getting applause while goalkeeper Gilbert Meriel penalty thwart Andres Scotti. Applause from the audience also re blaring when Scotti was sent off because of two yellow cards in the 51st minute.Excelling in the number of players can not be utilized Tahiti. Defender Teheivarii Ludivion bandwagon just got a red card in the 59th minute.Uruguay is a triumph of Hernandez. The 22-year work in the Italian Serie A club was packed Palmero four goals. He was ordained as the first Uruguay player to score four goals in one match."I have never scored four goals at club level. Similarly in the national team," he said.Hernandez is one of the future Uruguayan striker. At a young age, players who just got in ten games with the national team, nicknamed La Celeste Uruguay was already packed seven goals.The four goals could actually add up to five, but failed thanks to goalkeeper saves Meriel, when he had the opportunity to equal the record of legend Uruguay Hector Scarone who scored five goals in one match."It was more than enough to take us to meet with Brazil," he said.

Important factor is the impressive performance coach Tabarez Hernandez. His decision to give him the full responsibility on the cutting edge with the correct answer. Suarez who replaced Hernandez at the end of the second half only complement Uruguay victory.
"The players played well. They still display a great game though against Tahiti. We never underestimate them.'s Part of respect," said Tabarez.
In other parts of Tahiti coach Eddy Etaeta admit there very long distances between Uruguay Timnay premises. He actually also want to end the losing streak, but the Uruguayan players is very strong.
"We can not avoid defeat. We have to face and this is the result," he said.



Monday, 24 June 2013

BARTON War Ends vs. NEYMAR yet.

BARTON War Ends vs. NEYMAR yet. 

Neymar was one of the greatest talents of this generation of Brazilian football.
Not only good at playing the ball, but also sensitive to the advancement of technology.
He is active in social media, even he has an unresolved war with Joey Barton, Olympique Marseille midfielder, in the virtual world.

10,436 Tweets
Following 342

Heard Neymar scored the goal against Italy, with cynical Barton wrote, it only event pulses and second-string team against Italy.
So he has not changed as Justin Bieber assumption Neymar football.
When undergoing friendly game against England, Great Barton Neymar taunted because his opponent is mediocre. If I fight a great player, he is so mediocre players.
People judge Neymar too excessive, exceeding the quality of his game. Barcelona's new recruits were deemed to be far below the level of Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo.
This is the most horrendous Twit Barton. He likened Neymar with Bieber, who is only good on YouTube, but earned in the real world. Twit this then invited a lot of controversy.


9,556 Tweets
Following 655

Despite having Twitter, Neymar not reply to taunts Barton through his account. He tried to be more creative. Santos striker was singing a song back to Barton taunts and uploaded to YouTube.
Neymar is not only hot with Twit Barton. Compatriot Thiago Silva also were furious. He accused Barton has no respect for your fellow players, as well as Brazilians in general.
Piers Morgan, the famous British journalist, also defended Neymar. He quoted the words of Neymar who do not know who it was Barton and Barton then made mention. Both are busy twitwar.


JAPAN vs MEXICO. (1-2) Yoyo feat Mexico.

JAPAN vs MEXICO.         ( 1-2 )

Yoyo feat Mexico.

Mexico finally able to grab first victory in the 2013 Confederations Cup.
In a match against Japan in Mineirao Stadium, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the team is nicknamed the Tri Ei beat Japan 1-2.
Peanut pods Javier Hernandez aka Chicharito should be able to complete the win by scoring a hat-trick. After scoring two goals in minute 54 and 66, he got a chance to add more via a penalty kick, but the opportunities in the 90th minute it failed.
Chicharito shot blocked by goalkeeper Eiji Kawashima, then bounce the ball back to him. But the second chance that just hit the crossbar with a hard ball. Mexico had won only one goal for the Japanese retaliated in the 86th minute via Shinji Okasaki.
Although galal hat-trick, Chicharito still reaping praise. Mexico coach Jose Manuel de la Torre called him as a player full of determination.
"He's very competitive, and has quick feet and good timing to score. This was what brought him to the top football named Manchester United," said Dela Torre.
The victory was at least able to save face Mexican soccer. They are not a caretaker. They also go home with bagged three points. But the fall in the group phase reinforce performance in the Confederations Cup Mexico is up and down like a yoyo.

The first time participating in the Confederations Cup in 1995 they were in third place. But two years later they fell and died in the group phase.
Best achievement they achieved in 1999. They reinforced tough defender Rafael Marquez is currently strengthening tiu AS Monaco multitalented and eccentric goalkeeper Jorge Campos.
Then they also reinforced Luis Hernandez. In addition to the long-haired sharp players capable of uplifting his team mates. But two years later they fell back and did not qualify in the group.
Chicharito admits, fall in group phase is actually very painful. But it must be admitted they indeed are in a very tight group with defending champions Brazil and Euro 2012  finalists Italy. The two teams that eventually qualified for the semifinals.
"It was very bitter defeat in the group phase. We had eliminated in the preliminary round tournament.'s Really fun," said Chicharito.

But he was still proud that Mexico could eventually be in the Confederations Cup. Because not all teams can perform in Brazil. They should be champions of CONCACAF.
"At least we can get here is very good. Victory brings us more confidence," he said.


ITALIA vs BRASIL ( 2 - 4 ). Open Roads Ideal Final.

ITALIA vs BRASIL          (   2 - 4   ).

Open Roads Ideal Final.

Luiz Felipe Scolari shows his team did not deserve condemnation as experienced before the 2013 Confederations Cup. Although minimal name experienced players in the squad, nicknamed the Brazilian Samba, still able to maintain its strength.Evidently, three times a game in the group stage, Brazil has not even approached the defeat.The final match against Italy yesterday was still resolved to perfect points. The first conceded in the Confederations Cup, Brazil beat Italy 4-2 (1-0).Fred end goal drought to notch his 66th minute and 88. Two other goals belonged to Dante in the first-half injury time, plus the second half Neymar runs 10 minutes. While the two goals scored by Italy Emanuele Giaccherini in the 51st minute and Giorgio Chiellini 20 minutes later.For Brazil, this victory put them top of the group A as well as supplies to the championship for the fourth time in turnamet warming up before the World Cup. Thiago Silva and his friends live Group B runner-up waiting to be contested Uruguay and Negeria.With the status of group winners, they will fight against Group B runners-up while avoiding Spain. That means the path to the ideal final between Brazil opens against Spain, because they are not met earlier in the semi-finals.Sure they have the task of defeating their respective opponents in the semi-finals. but not as heavy as when they fight.In news reported by Football Italia, Scolari calls this third win to boost confidence foster children."I think Samba gain a lot of confidence with this win, while winning the hearts of our fans," said Scolari.Unlike the two previous victories, Brazil little trouble scoring goal against Italy at the beginning of the fight.Though they always scored first on 10 minutes. Create trio attack Neymar, Oscar and Hulk more frequently jammed.In a game yesterday, the pressure does not change even though Brazil had already qualified for the semi-finals.

Recorded eight times dangerous Brazilian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon.
"It is important for us to move, and we do it well. Changes position in every variation of the attack makes Italian overwhelmed," said Neymar.
Brazil's three points is not out of the absence of the two pillars of Italian midfield, Andrea Pirlo and Daniele De Rossi. With the absence of Pirlo, Italy's attack likely minimal creations. Placement of Alberto Aquilani and Riccardo Montolivo in position Pirlo-De Rossi was not running optimally.
Even so, Italy coach Cesare Prandelli considers game characters can still demonstrated foster children.
"Especially in the second half, we were good and decent appearance drew 2-3 when the match was still a resident," he told reporters Rai Sport.
Two Italian players, Montolivo and Ignazio Abate are victims of this defeat. Two players were injured, is a loss to Italy most likely come back to challenge Spain in the semi-final midweek.
"To challenge a team as good as Spain, which we need is the recovery level of the physical condition of the players," said the former coach Florentina.
  Similarly, a glimpse of Italy vs. Brazil.


Sunday, 23 June 2013

RECORD BIGGEST LOSERS in the Confederations Cup.

RECORD BIGGEST LOSERS in the Confederations Cup.

New Zealand vs Spain.          ( 0 - 5 )

Host: South Africa 2009.Round: group phase.Spain came into the Confederations Cup IDRNaN champion status. This is a squad that is presently in the golden and just beginning its dominance.Fernando Torres is a sharp-sharp to make a hat-trick, plus one goal each by Cesc Fabregas and David Villa.

France vs New Zealand.          ( 5 - 0 )

Host: France 2003.Round: group phase.Team Rooster-called French still reinforced a number of senior players like Robert Pires and Thierry Henry. France finally emerged as the Confederations Cup. 

France vs. South Korea.          ( 5 - 0 )

Host: South Korea-Japan 2001.Round: group phase.South Korea was not lucky. They have already met with the 1998 World Cup as well as the ruler of IDRNaN at the beginning of the tournament. France still reinforced the champion squad players such as Nicolas Anelka, Youri Djorkaeff, and Marcel Desailli.

Brazil vs. Saudi Arabia.          ( 8 - 2 )

Host: Mexico 1999.Round: Semi-finals.Although slaughtered in the semi-finals, including the Saudi Arabian real competitive team.Having ousted 1-5 by host Mexico in the group stage, they are looking for an outlet to crush Egypt by the same score. The result left them qualify for the semi-finals and challenging Brazil.Massacre was repeated with a larger score.

UAE vs Czech Republic.         ( 1 - 6 )

Host: Saudi Arabia.Round: group phase.Czech Republic was on fire with inspiration from the talented midfielder Pavel Nedved. Despite a win once, UAE immediately failed after losing twice. Once defeated by the Czech and the other by Uruguay.The two countries eventually qualify for the knockout round.

Brazil vs. Australia.          ( 6 - 0 )

Host: Saudi Arabia 1997.Round: Final.This is one of Brazil's golden era. They still remain the reinforced Romario and Ronaldo Luis Nazario da Phenomenal Five. Duet geeks - young buy all the goals in the final. Compact each share hat trick.